Bill Mattick

Talk to any native Victorian over the age of fifty and if they do not remember Bill Mattick, they will surely remember Mattick’s Farm. Where else could you find a talking myna bird, donkeys, goats, a miniature train, giant ice cream cones, flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables, all at he end of a scenic drive along the shoreline of the Saanich Peninsula?  Mattick’s Farm was a popular destination in the Spring and Summer months in the late 1950s and early 60s. Bill Mattick began growing vegetables and flowers on the property during the mid 40s. His farm prospered and grew to the point where he began exporting daffodils and tulips to Eastern Canada, shipping them by chartered aircraft. As if the early flowers were not enough to set off the envy of those Easterners, he rubbed it in with advertising brochures featuring Hollywood movie stars posing in his daffodil fields.