2020 is behind us. A year none of us will soon forget. After making the very difficult decision to close the course back in the spring, so much has happened that it seems like 8 years, not 8 months.
On behalf of all of us at Cordova Bay, I would like to take this time to express the gratitude we feel to you, the golfer. The kind words of encouragement, the support, and the many acts of quiet kindness has made this very difficult year much easier to bear.
For me, 2020 reinforced many things that I already knew about the game. First, golfers are good people. This assuredly stems from the game of itself, one of tradition and honour. I can’t thank you enough for how you supported all of our Covid-19 safety protocols. Second, I was reminded of how important the game is to those who play it. The weekly game provides much more to the golfer than a good walk. Of course, people all play the game for their own reasons, but my observations tell me that the overriding attraction is the feeling of community. The gathering of friends to play a silly game in grand natural surroundings cannot be discounted as a great source of mental, physical, AND spiritual health. Bearing witness to the passion you all have is the very best part of my job and it always will be.
Jim Goddard, Director of Golf