
Every year since 1991 we have celebrated our Male and Female Champion Golfers of the Year by presenting them with a trophy on which their names are engraved.  At around this time every year I take the trophies to a shop on Quadra Street to have another name added to each one.
This year, to my surprise, there was no more room left on the Ladies Club Championship Low Net Trophy, certainly not enough for 2018 winner Deni Hilton-Wyatt’s seventeen character  moniker. The fact that one of our trophies was full, first made me feel old, then it prompted me to think of the responsibility I have to keep records and honour the memory of the winners of our events. I know how important it is to them. 
Looking at the names on these trophies evokes a number of emotions. First, I worry that I spelled their names wrong. Next I think of the past winners and where they are now.  Invariably that produces melancholy because we are at a point in our club’s history that some of the past winners  are no longer with us. I think of the times, the changes to the golf courses, who was working in the Pro Shop that year, and a myriad of other things, but mainly the people. 

Dealing with the trophies also makes me think of the future. Will Cordova Bay Golf Course be here in 400 years like Royal Dornoch in Scotland where golf was first played in 1616? Will our championships and trophies endure? Will anybody but Penny win the Ladies Club Championship? Knowing how passionate the golf course owners are about the property and the course I am 100% certain that the answer to all of  these questions is yes.(Sorry Penny it’s inevitable)It’s strange to think that Dornoch celebrated it’s 28th anniversary in 1644. A few things have happened in Europe since then! Yet, there it is, golf still being played, trophies still being awarded, friends still spending time together in fellowship and nature. It speaks to the enduring appeal of this great game, and of course, to the people that play it.

Jim Goddard

Director of Golf