We, here at Cordova Bay, are proud to offer a relaxed atmosphere, stunning course conditions and spectacular views. The grass is short in the places it should be and long in others. The trees are beautiful to look at and challenging to hit from. Mt. Baker rises imperiously from the horizon, daring you to match its perfection with every shot you hit.
Keep your head down while swinging but up while you're not. You wouldn't want to miss the more than 75 species of birds that call Cordova Bay home. You'll see scores of deer. Now and again you'll spot mink, otter, rabbits, muskrat, and if you hook it way left on #3 you can meet Jack, our resident goat (R.I.P Arnie & Freddie). As a certified Audubon Sanctuary (the first on Vancouver Island, in fact) we offer you wildlife almost as beautiful as the gardens kept by our award winning grounds crew.
From the Golf Shop, through 18 marvelous holes and into Bill Mattick's, our restaurant, we invite you to find out for yourself why we were named Facility of the Year by the PGA of British Columbia, TWICE!
Welcome to Cordova Bay Golf Course.
Did we mention there's a second golf course at Cordova Bay? This one might be shorter, but it is just as much fun to play.
Our beloved little sister! The perfect place to perfect that short game (and we all know it needs work), or for a newcomer to fall in love with the greatest game ever created. The Ridge is a 9-hole, par 3 golf course that is beautifully manicured, and always interesting and engaging. With holes ranging from 52-115 yards, you'll have plenty of opportunities to use your irons and wedges. Oh, and don't forget to take in that view!
Sure, Bill Robinson, our architect, had a hand in this one too, which is why it is so enjoyable to play. The Ridge opened in 1999, and like its big sister, it has the same outstanding conditions. That's because a great grounds crew works on both, which means putts roll straight when you expect them to, and break a little more where gravity takes hold. Give us a call at 250.658.3996 or reserve a tee time online.
Please call us ahead of time to check for course closures.
Holing out from off the green is arguably the best feeling in golf. The Parc Short Game Practice Facility, located at the Ridge Course, provides the opportunity to work on every facet of your game from inside 40 yards. A massive putting green (with 9-hole putting course) is complemented by 2 chipping greens and a practice bunker. Included in your hourly fee is access to the 9-hole putting course where you can play a round with friends for a friendly wager.
RIDGE SPRING LEAGUE League will be hosted Fridays beginning April 5 through June 14th (11 weeks). This League is designed to appeal to all levels of golfer with fun and exciting (some challenging) formats throughout the spring season. Each golfer will be assigned a League Handicap based upon play within the league events. The format will change every week and you will receive an email prior to the week’s event letting you know the format. There will be a number of individual formats as well as twosome games. There will be times set aside for the League. League play is available from 9:00 am through 2:00 pm each Friday. If the format is a twosome game you will be required to play with other League players in order to qualify for that week’s competition and team prizing. If you are a single, you are always welcome to play a round and compete for the on-course prizes (KP’s and other) • League players will be able to play a Back Nine for $7. • You must submit your scorecards to the Ridge Pro shop following your rounds. • There will be weekly competitions with results being sent to players each week. There will be a couple of draw prizes at the end of the season. Each player will receive an entry for every Friday competition they play. Players must participate in at least three (3) Friday events in order to qualify for the end of season draw prizes. We will be featuring weekly food & beverage specials for league players each Friday so be sure to join your fellow players in the Ridge Café following your round.
february, 2025
No Events
A prolific architect who worked with Canadian Golf Hall of Fame member Geoff Cornish for part of his career, Bill Robinson's resume is impressive and lenghty. Robinson's designs include more than 50 golf courses, with work including The Tunnel Nine at Banff Springs in Alberta, and Gallgaher's Canyon outside Kelowna, as well as facilities across Canada and the US.
Robinson's Cordova Bay opened in 1991 and for each every year since, has been recognized as the best 18 hole course on Cordova Bay Road. (we have the only vote)